Additional Videos.... Regression to the Mean Under Variation and The Problem of Patient Satisfaction Scores in Projects
It is not necessary to change.... Survival is not mandatory. Deming
The purpose of this site is to help primary care teams improve the way they function. The site includes short video clips that can be used to help a team learn the ins and outs of quality improvement. It is our hope that by adapting these methods, teams will move from a culture of projects that reflect the "flavor of the month" to one that demonstrates constancy of purpose and continual improvement. The basic materials were developed by the Department of Family Medicine at Mayo Clinic . The forum provides an opportunity for continued growth as well as feedback. The short presentations are set up so as to be a springboard for your team discussions (Video clips may be watched prior to team meetings or during meetings. In either case, we are confident that ensuing discussion will be valuable.)
It is our belief that all members of a team trying to improve quality in their organization needs to know
1. Principles of a System
2 Know how variation impacts processes and not react to each variation (Common and Special Causes)
3. Use data that predicts rather than looks back in time
4 How to do PDSA cycles
A course outline is shown below
Some Basic Concepts
1. Using statistics in the workplace is like trying to ski down a hill full of other skiiers knowing where they
were 30 seconds ago!
2. Start up costs for a new project are relatively inexepensive. The further a project develops, the more
expensive it is to change. So, do it right at the beginning.
3. This site is set up for use by a team. The team listens together and then discusses what they have
4. Team members should be given notecards on which to share perceived important or productive
behavior with fellow team members.
( (Click on video and click on lower left corner to expand screen.)
The purpose of this site is to help primary care teams improve the way they function. The site includes short video clips that can be used to help a team learn the ins and outs of quality improvement. It is our hope that by adapting these methods, teams will move from a culture of projects that reflect the "flavor of the month" to one that demonstrates constancy of purpose and continual improvement. The basic materials were developed by the Department of Family Medicine at Mayo Clinic . The forum provides an opportunity for continued growth as well as feedback. The short presentations are set up so as to be a springboard for your team discussions (Video clips may be watched prior to team meetings or during meetings. In either case, we are confident that ensuing discussion will be valuable.)
It is our belief that all members of a team trying to improve quality in their organization needs to know
1. Principles of a System
2 Know how variation impacts processes and not react to each variation (Common and Special Causes)
3. Use data that predicts rather than looks back in time
4 How to do PDSA cycles
A course outline is shown below
Some Basic Concepts
1. Using statistics in the workplace is like trying to ski down a hill full of other skiiers knowing where they
were 30 seconds ago!
2. Start up costs for a new project are relatively inexepensive. The further a project develops, the more
expensive it is to change. So, do it right at the beginning.
3. This site is set up for use by a team. The team listens together and then discusses what they have
4. Team members should be given notecards on which to share perceived important or productive
behavior with fellow team members.
( (Click on video and click on lower left corner to expand screen.)

Team Leaders should look over the Video Introduction. Try reading Escape Fire by Berwick for inspiration. Fundamentals of Healthcare Improvement, Second Edition IHI, is a nice first step for an overview.
Session 1: Team Building
Click on Teams and Use the California Health Foundation Video for your first session. Do the exercise to find out the personality types of your team members.
Session 2: What is a System?
Click on Systems, watch video, and answer questions. This might be a good time to have the team look at resources to start coming up with ideas for projects.
Session 3: Variation: The Red Bead Experiment
You can do your own version. Buy some black and white beans (20% black / 80% white) Put beans in a container that holds about 50 beans and then have fun!
Session 4: Variation (Common Cause)
Common Cause is like scraping burnt toast 85% of interventions are like scraping burnt toast
Regression to the Mean If you have a 50% free throw shooter 10 free throws in a row successfully you lavage praise. The next ten will see a decline in performance. If they shoot 1 in 10 and yell at them they improve whether you do nothing or yell at them
Session 5: Variation (Tampering)
Management wants to change things The Funnel Experiment
Session 6: Knowledge and Information
We want to act on knowledge not information.....
Session 7: PDSA Cycle
Continuous improvement
Session 8: Sampling
How much is enough?
Session 9: Management by Results
Top-Down Management
Summary: Solving Your Problems with Quality Improvement
Still to come: Self-managing organizations / Flow sheets/constraints
Session 1: Team Building
Click on Teams and Use the California Health Foundation Video for your first session. Do the exercise to find out the personality types of your team members.
Session 2: What is a System?
Click on Systems, watch video, and answer questions. This might be a good time to have the team look at resources to start coming up with ideas for projects.
Session 3: Variation: The Red Bead Experiment
You can do your own version. Buy some black and white beans (20% black / 80% white) Put beans in a container that holds about 50 beans and then have fun!
Session 4: Variation (Common Cause)
Common Cause is like scraping burnt toast 85% of interventions are like scraping burnt toast
Regression to the Mean If you have a 50% free throw shooter 10 free throws in a row successfully you lavage praise. The next ten will see a decline in performance. If they shoot 1 in 10 and yell at them they improve whether you do nothing or yell at them
Session 5: Variation (Tampering)
Management wants to change things The Funnel Experiment
Session 6: Knowledge and Information
We want to act on knowledge not information.....
Session 7: PDSA Cycle
Continuous improvement
Session 8: Sampling
How much is enough?
Session 9: Management by Results
Top-Down Management
Summary: Solving Your Problems with Quality Improvement
Still to come: Self-managing organizations / Flow sheets/constraints